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Thank you for helping others learn about Christ.

Father God has graciously given us opportunity to share the really great news about Jesus, the Person of Grace - about His Life in us and the joy, rest, peace, and freedom it brings. We are blessed that you are interested to partner with us.

Your prayers and financial support allow Our Resolute Hope to reach lost, confused, and hurting people with the freeing message of Jesus Christ.

Thank you for helping others learn about Christ.

Father God has graciously given us opportunity to share the really great news about Jesus, the Person of Grace - about His Life in us and the joy, rest, peace, and freedom it brings. We are blessed that you are interested to partner with us.

Your prayers and financial support allow Our Resolute Hope to reach lost, confused, and hurting people with the freeing message of Jesus Christ.

How we share the great news about Jesus.

The website you’re viewing is one way we share the great news about Jesus. Others include podcasts, printed and ebooks, training materials, newsletters, videos, social media outlets like Facebook and Instagram, in-person conferences, commentaries, and a growing international impact.

Beloved, none of this is possible without your prayers and financial support.

How we share the great news about Jesus.

The website you’re viewing is one way we share the great news about Jesus. Others include podcasts, printed and ebooks, training materials, newsletters, videos, social media outlets like Facebook and Instagram, in-person conferences, commentaries, and a growing international impact.

Beloved, none of this is possible without your prayers and financial support.

General support

Special project support

General support

Special project support